A book as a witness of injury

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Zhanna Tolysbayeva


The object of interest in the proposed study is the phenomenon of the collection “queer poetry” «Under one cover» published in 2018 in Almaty (Kazakhstan) and uniting poets who consider themselves to be sexual or gender minorities. The significance of this phenomenon is justified by the fact that in the Central Asia this literary precedent is observed for the first time. Moreover, both the design and typography quality are very high. The collection is represented by the texts of 21 poets with a completely diverse geography of creativity: Russia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, the USA, Canada, Ukraine, Japan.The main of the research is to study a collection of poems with a marked title as the integrity of a higher poetic level. The author studies the texts of verses, their graphic accompaniment, interactive semantics of the title, compositional construction of the collection, its internal plot. The installation for confession is realized at the different levels of the book (from the cover to the super-idea). Some authors do this in an intentionally crude form but most of them create the hyperassociative style characteristic of this collection which makes it possible to hide the pain and discomfort of an injured consciousness behind highly intellectual poetry. The author of the article proves the representation of the personal and gender individuality of each author in the subjective, associative, spatio-temporal, subject-motivational, genre organization of texts. And the effect of generalizing the particular into the general become more interesting: in the context of whole poem collection the uniqueness of the idiostylistics of each author begins to  transform into the intonation of the Book. This is the way of turning the collection into a book: in gaining collective queer consciousness as a kind of coordinate system which doing possible realization one's own identity.

Published: Nov 14, 2022

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Literature facing the challenges of the Anthropocene