Alternative media Role in Spreading Local Arabic Cultures: Arab creativity in the Global Cultural Dialogue

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Khalid Ait Tahmidit


This study aims to shed light on the Arab cultural heritage, by making use of various contemporary technological developments, and harnessing them in electronic adver­tising campaigns, based on the developments of our current era, in which there are many means of communication that do not believe in borders and geographical barriers.

It is possible for pictures and words to cross maps and media. Consequently, it has become imperative to benefit from the current media and informational propaganda streams. It keeps pace with all serious thinking, especially with regard to the globali­zation of Arab local cultures  and propagating them so as to get involved in the global cultural dialogue.

Therefore, the role of the alternative media appears as one that adopts Adsence technology and promotes it in independent electronic newspapers, popular content sites on Viral search engines, and influencer’s pages on social media.

This study seeks to investigate the following points:

  • The globalization of local cultures and their inclusion in the global dialogue.

  • Harnessing the mechanisms of scientific research in modern technology sciences to highlight the bright interface of the local Arab cultures. and creating cultural propaganda directed from the countries of the South to those of the North.

  • Encouraging Arab researchers to undertake digital research projects and publish them in contemporary media.

The return of the history of Arab culture requires keeping pace with the current situa­tion, marketing, and building bridges, by employing the current forms of commu­nica­tion, as it became possible for this type of locality to move from the original home to any part of the world, which provides a greater margin for freedom of expression and the spread of information in order to strengthen international relations.Hence, the world is not reduced to narrow circles or small villages, which arenot based on domi­na­tion and Cultural fallacies..

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

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