A Comparative Analysis of Auden’s War Poetry of Spain and China

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Yibling Sun


Both Spanish Civil War and Sino – Japanese War have been described as great causes and exerted the political and emotional impact on British opinions. One can find a genuine interweaving of Spain, China and British anti – fascism at the level of individual lives and careers of particular intellectuals and writers. In 1937, Auden and Isherwood were commissioned to write a travel book about an Asian country, they opted for China. Journey to a War could be taken as a watershed for Auden, precipitating him to have a reflection on his affinities with the British Left, the validity of political writing and the relationship between art and politics. After his experiences in Spain and China, Auden headed for a new intellectual destination. 

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

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Chinese Influences on Modern and Contemporary European and American Literature a