Transnational Digital Ecology as Space for Resistance: A Case Study of Refugees of Global South and South – east Asia

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Garima Gupta


The phenomenon of Refugees from Africa and Asia or what we call the global south is a contemporary global concern that offers a deep insight into the study of power dynamics between the global north and the global south. The struggle for spaces of discourse and narratives exemplifies the significance of the digital ecology as enabling transnational spaces for resistance and assertion. The plight of these refugees unable to cross the physical borders but able to connect digitally with each other and the international community demonstrates the transnational space of resistance afforded by the digital ecology in the present times. Though ‘non – citizens’, their ability to be netizens nevertheless has enabled them to initiate a transnational resistance and visibility of their plight. One of the greatest refugees groups emanating from the global south is from the country of Myanmar in Southeast Asia – the Rohingya refugees of Myanmar. The Rohingya refugees and diaspora groups in Australia, Canada and the United States have been using digital platforms such as YouTube – based digital platforms Rohingya Vision and The Arkan Times along with Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to connect with each other and the world. Taking advantage of proliferating smartphones and social media platforms, the Rohingya digital diaspora is contributing toward the development of transna­tional political engagement and identity. The present paper seeks to inves­tigate the digital ecology as a transnational space for resistance and political engagement by the Rohingya diaspora and refugees by studying their use of digital platforms and how it has enabled them to bring visibility amongst the international community “forging linkages among non – state actors” across the global north and the global south and south – east Asia.

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

Article Details

Transnationalism and the Languages/Literatures of the Global South: South Asian