Is the canon dangerous? (The case of Lithuanian literature)

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Indrė Žakevičienė


The paper proposed should concentrate on the main problems of the periodization of Lithuanian literature and on the issues of the historical development of small literature (Lithuanian) under the specific circumstances (while being incorporated into Russian Imperia and later into the Soviet Union). The main questions to be answered: 1) does chronological point of view reflect the real situation of the development of national literature? 2) How much can the main literary trends be influenced by the canon and by the attitudes of the authorities of literary field towards the canon? 3) What possible ways of constructing literary history could be most productive? The answeres to those questions may be found after a close look at marginalized (during particular historical periods) Lithuanian authors, who were discovered by literary researchers later and whose creative works made significant influence of younger generations of writers.

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

Article Details

Small and Minority Literatures and Literary Historiography