Study on Kim Taeg-young’s Inheritance and Innovative Development in Chinese Biographies Compared with Liang Qichao’s Biographical Theory

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Huimin Yang


In the late 19th and early 20th centuries,the historical mission of anti-imperialism, anti-feudalism and saving the nation borne by the Chinese and Korean people, the historiography thought of saving the country by history, and the political thought of saving the country with the new people constitute the internal and external factors of Kim Taeg-young’s inheritance and Innovative development in Chinese biographies compared with Liang Qichao’s biographical theory. Comparing their biographies, they both have in common are that they take biographies as history, objectify the narrative attitude, strengthen the personality of the protagonist by means of interweaving narrations and discussions, and contrast, and probe the historical role of the protagonist in the social historical background. As for the differences, Liang Qichao almost chooses heroes as the protagonists of biographies while Kim Taeg-young is inclined to choose ordinary beings as protagonists, and Kim Taeg-young’s patriotism experiences the transition from the feudal scholar-official’s loyalty to the emperor before the exile in China to the modern intellectual who supports reform and revolutionary democracy after the exile in China. Besides, Liang Qichao’s biographies are combination of classic Chinese and spoken Chinese of Qing Dynasty which is called new literary form, while Kim Taeg-young insists writing the biographies in classic Chinese.

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

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Mutual Learning among Civilizations through Comparative Literature