Chinese Literary Theory’s Journey to the West in the Twenty-first Century: from The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism to The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory

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Yang Qing


This article focuses on how Chinese literary theory is presented in the West in the twenty – first century, using The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism and The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory as examples. Western research circles in the twenty – first century strive to include non – Western literary theory in international anthologies or encyclopedias of theory and invite non – Western scholars to write on theories from their own traditions. This is a great breakthrough for writing world literary theory and for the cross – cultural communication of Chinese literary theory. “Going global” is not complete, however, because very few works by non – Western literary theorists are included, and detailed and mutually relevant content within East Asian and in particular Chinese literary theory invites further attention. This article argues that, although the goal of “going global” is not complete, the inclusion of non – Western elements, especially the Chinese cultural tradition and re – writing of world literary theory or literature, is a necessary writing strategy in the theoretical mosaic of the twenty – first century.

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

Article Details

Comparative Literature and Oriental Literary Theory