Chinese Culture in Intercultural Communication: uncertainty and selectivity of content

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Shujian Li


This study seeks to understand how Chinese Culture content practice in intercultural communication in today’s culturally diverse China, explore whether an ingroup (Sojourners) over outgroup (Chinese) intercultural transformation exists and how it reshapes sojourners acculturation process and social identity in this new environment. Drawing on qualitative – semi structured interviews with 41 foreign residents and 28 local communities in Chengdu, China, the study highlights different multi – layered cultural power structure and practices that Sojourners in China face. Through a combined underpinning of cross – cultural adaption (Young Yun Kim, 2001) and acculturation strategies (Sam & Berry, 2006), the study focuses on how these practices re – shape sojourners’ Chinese culture acceptance around cultural power. However, uncertainty and ambiguity are emphased in the eastern culture context, which leads to content selectiveness in government – driven intercultural communication model. This highlights the significant role of local community and societal practice that can impel culture communication in different groups, and provides new insights in ICC theories.

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

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Comparative Literature and Oriental Literary Theory