The Situation of Literary Criticism in the Post Critique Period

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Emel Aras


The situation of world is getting more individual at some points. Especially after 1960s, people learned and practicized a different way of living. This situation effected every aspect of life included literature. When we consider about the logic of literary criticism we must accept common rules and common perspectives. But in such an individual era how can we determine this “collectivism” or should we accept this kind of a collectivism? This complexity lead to consider about literary criticism in a more individual way and this causes a kind of fragmentation and uncertanity at the basis of literary texts. After this “individualist” era, how will the literary criticism draw a road map? Can it be evaluated by hermeneutics or just fragmentation? Do people still need a big story? How can we determine the common rules of literature after the idea of fragmentation which started with post structuralism, especially after postmodernism?

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

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Individual Sessions: Words and Images Crossing Literary and Critical Borders