Do Posthumavist Conditions Fictionalize a New Collectivity?

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Emel Aras


With postmodernism, individualization has come to the fore. However, can it be said that individuality has tended towards a new integrity, especially as a result of events such as the climate crisis, technological developments and pandemics in recent years? This integrity is not caused by the physical being together of individuals; but it is an experience that signifies a mental unity. As a result of this mental integrity, can it be said that the increase in writings on ecology, nature and the world, based on the fact that global disasters are a kind of unifying force, causes imaginary partnerships? In this context, Plague Nights, written by Orhan Pamuk, reflects an experience similar to what happened in today's Covid-19 period. Although the plague epidemic mentioned in the work passed in 1901, it is seen that there were similar experiences. In this study, an evaluation will be made in the context of common images, fears and experiences of humanity based on the novel Plague Nights.

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

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Individual Sessions: Words and Images Crossing Literary and Critical Borders