Variation of Classic Paradigm in New Context

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Maia Jaliashvili


We frequently encounter the interesting variations of classic literature paradigms in Georgian and World Literature. From this point of view, distinguished one is “Host and Guest” by Vazha- Pshavela, one of the main heroine – Aghaza may be considered as a significant variation of paradigmatic face of Antigone of Sophocles. Antigone and Aghaza exist in different time – space but they are in the dimension, where all kinds of conditional limit is abolished. Their demonstration in inter textual context outlines metaphysic relation of these two compositions – “Antigone” by Sophocle and “Host and Guest” by Vazha-Pshavela. Both of them represent heroines who are seeking the truth. Both of them expressed immortality of humanitarian ideas with their self-sacrificing decisions. Both of them became sacral sacrifice, who are still excited today by readers, they make the readers to open their eyes and to seek for the truth. Dramatic stories of Antigone and Aghaza are related to each other. Both of them made difficult but principal choice, they opposed to the views established in the society. Communion of readers with both tragic stories evokes in them not only spiritual, but also aesthetic catharsis.

In metaphysic dimension they are spiritual sisters because they are related to each other with devotion of high level of moral and ethics, also with controversy which is revealed by them with breach of “written laws”. Both of them – Antigone and Aghaza create their own destiny by themselves. They have realized that they are part of humanity as a whole and its soundness is depended on them. Both of them consider universal regularity of human behavior as important, according to that kindness, justice and love is the first one. Both of them express courage, great spiritual power and they overcame the barriers created by people and not by God.

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

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Individual Sessions: Words and Images Crossing Literary and Critical Borders