Musicality of Lithuanian Poetry: Codes of a Different Speaking

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Rūta Brūzgienė


Research on the interactions between literature and other art forms, observed since syncretic art appearnce, took off at the 18th century. These studies gained momentum in the second half of the 20th century, when temporal arts were developing in many different aspects, and innovative methodologies and modern points of view were applied. These multifaceted and multidisciplinary connections between temporal arts are systematized in W. Wolf`s general concept of intermediality. Following this concept, the musicality of literature should be analyzed not only in cases of direct interaction of both arts (vocal genres), but also through their intermedial references. Explicit references take the form of music thematization, images, and implicit references - evocation, formal imitation, partial reproduction. The paper will provide an aspect-based overview of the musicality of Lithuanian poetry, emphasizing the most typical features of musicality: transformations of vocal genres, musical images, principles of imitation of music forms and analogues, etc. The study is based on works by W. Wolf, E. Tarasti, A. Ambrazas, V. Kubilius, J. Girdzijauskas, V. Bobrovskis, V. Vasina - Grossman, R. Tūtlytė, and others; comparative methodology is applied.

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

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Individual Sessions: Words and Images Crossing Literary and Critical Borders