Underneath the Literary Space of Transgender Authorship, the Emergence of an Inoperable Community

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Leocádia Aparecida Chaves


This communication aims to present an outline of the literary production of transgender authorship in contemporary Brazil from a double perspective: 1) of a production that emerges in contraposition to a literary field that historically has violated transgender existences as much as by stigmatization of characters as due to the impossibilities of this authorship in the ‘National’ literature; 2) and by the power of initiation of an inoperable community, as stated by Jean-Luc Nancy (2016). A production that I identify as, according to Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guatarri (1977), “minor literature” because of three aspects: 1. written in a language that aims to give life to characters whose experiences of gender and/or sexuality dissidence make the dominant identitarian system, the cisheteronormative system, raves; 2. with a strong connection to the political context; and 3. an individual enunciation that brings to bear the collective action. A variety of voices destined to confirm the literary as a fractured locus of identitarian hegemonies and by doing so, establishing a powerful place of communication for singularities. It is a production that germinated in 1982, with the publication of the autobiographical text A queda para o alto, by Anderson Herzer, but since 2012 has been flourishing with the increase of publications in different textual genders. Considering the lejeunian parameters, this autobiographical production consists of 16 works until 2021. In regards to the fictional and poetical production, according to the research started in 2017, there are at least 50 works. A production that, from the margins, establishes itself in the national literary field as a significant part of the Brazilian Literature and, despite the hegemonies, are also a significant part of the World Literature. An irrefutable invitation to meet characters questioning their being in the world and who, for that reason, keep a powerful common ground to be shared with others.

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

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Minorities and/in Literature