Life Narratives: Racial Issues

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Roseli Gimenes


The objective of this article will be a comparative analysis of two literary works. One is the trajectory of Carolina Maria de Jesus, 60 years ago, with her “Quarto de Despejo” (Dump Room) (2020 edition) and the other is the repercussion in 2020 of José Falero’s work, “Os Supridores” (The Suppliers). Within this comparative analysis, the question we ask is the same that makes us think about the, among many, reflections on racism in Brazil and how it all appears – or disappears – in the works of male and female black authors. This is the hypothesis that emerges: after so many years the literary situation, literature with black characters and male and female black authors, does not seem to take a different direction. The narratives of the two authors would not have changed regarding the social horizons of the places where they live. The comparative and social analysis will provide these elements in Carolina's autobiographical speech, a life narrative, and in Falero's speech, in literary fiction of youngsters working in a supermarket. And, in this sense, it will also listen to the recent speeches of contemporary writers such as Paulo Scott, Jeferson Tenório and Itamar Vieira Júnior.

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

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Minorities and/in Literature