Translating Sensations: The Task of Translating Rayuela’s Chapter 68 into Chinese

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Licoa Campos Adolfo Fabricio


According to Guattari and Deleuze, a literary work is a cluster of sensations, a compound of percepts and affects that the author creates by manipulating language. This manipulation is the style of the author and the essence of any literary work, and it is, perhaps, the most difficult aspect to recreate in literary translation. Taking into account that, in Rayuela, Julio Cortázar came up with a dynamic language that broke the conventions of the reading act to make readers active participants in the creation of the text, this paper intends to briefly analyze the Chinese translation of Rayuela’s Chapter 68 by Sun Jiaming, to determine whether it keeps the nature of Cortázar’s original text, which, according to the German scholar Walter Benjamin, is the main goal of a good literary translation and the task of literary translators.

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

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