The reception of the transformation/ transition of the 90s in German and Georgian literature

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Tea Talakvadze


 For the Soviet Union, the 1990s turned out to be overburdened with socio-political events. At the turn of the century, the Soviet Union ceased to exist as a political entity. Georgia's independence was officially declared on April 9, 1991, and a new era began for the society, laden with economic problems, ethnic conflicts, civil war, generations of uprisings and drama. Consequently, Georgian writers and creators faced a significant challenge. It was, on the one hand, a necessity to engage in the ongoing literary processes in the world, in particular in democracies, and, on the other hand, to overcome the consciousness of a society that had escaped the Soviet establishment. The literature must destroy the model of total thinking and show the existence of a man on the verge of a turning point in the new political reality. The writing should reflect the drama of the birth of a new person from the totalitarian space, like the East German writers who were actively involved in presenting post-totalitarian aesthetics and created countless texts before or after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The research is based on the assessment of the current processes in Georgia in the 90s and the understanding of the problem of the issue of change in the Georgian literature on the basis of the signs of transformations developed by Prof. Piotr Sztompka.

The term transformation will be analyzed on the basis of outlining the trends of East German transformation literature and the analysis of literature reflected by 90s by Georgian critics and literary critics. This study is an attempt to analyze the current processes in the German transformation literature with understanding and experience of the analysis of the same transition period in Georgia in the 90s, which, of course, requires a more in-depth and large-scale cultural research. The aim of the research is to show how much it is possible to evaluate and analyze the period of transformation, the same transition period in Georgian literature?

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 14, 2022

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The Post-Soviet Literary Space and the World after Cold War